Wednesday, December 16, 2009

22Squared Atlanta

The pay off for me on this one is watching the guy do a round off over the bar. I like seeing smaller agencies do work for big, national clients like BWW. It's not about selling food or how great the food is, it's about the atmosphere and the good time you'll have when you go. I like that it is more than just screen shots of food (hint hint chilis)

Mother New York

This Dell ad is very different from most PC ads. Now that apple has taken over the young, colorful market, PC is trying make a comeback to appeal to those audiences. It's very colorful in nature, much like the apple spots running nowadays.

Ground Zero New York

This might be the first positive anti-smoking ad. Focusing not on he horrors (Crispin and Arnold) but more so on what our world would be like without it.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Strawberry Frog New York

Kinda cheesy. But shot very cool. And anything that involves James Bond is pretty cool. I think this theme goes hand in hand with the "most interesting man in the world" campaign that Euro RSCG is doing. Just very cool and suave.

socially responsible

These ads always scare me a little bit. I think they do a good job walking the line between over the top and just right. They make me never want to smoke so I guess they are doing what they are intended to do. I also think that that they fact that there is different versions- very raw and sarcastic and funny. They appeal to all audiences.

Crispin Porter & Bogusky, Arnold, Miami and Boston

This ad is one of about 5 that promote awareness of child abuse. They aren't as raw as the puppet one shown in class but still leave you in shock. It gives you facts that you didn't know correlated with child abuse.

Leo Burnett, Sydney

I was watching television the other day and I came across this commercial. Heineken's "Let a Stranger Drive You Home" is absolutely hilarious to me and is relatable. Being a college student that flocks to Greenville Ave. Thursday, Friday and Saturday's, a cab is usually needed. And after a few drinks, a scene much like the one in this commercial, usually erupts. I love the headline too, I think it depicts the negatively connotated word "stranger" and turns it in to a fun loving character. Plus Biz Markie's "Just a Friend" is just awesome in itself.

Weiden + Kennedy, Portland

Monday, December 14, 2009

Droga5 New York

Such a cool concept. Virally this has done phenomenal. It does give me a headache and kind of makes me want to barf after about 30 seconds. I think it is a bit too long but gets the point across within in the first 15 seconds. I love ads that are dont in a nontraditional way. Reminds me in a way of the DC spot by 72 and Sunny. Very cheap to produce and a great effect virally.

72 and Sunny LA

I love ads that are shot on a real camera. This was an actual commercial but did very well virally with millions of hits on youtube. I can't seem to tell if it is real or not- I'm guessing no but still very cool and very cheap to make!

Cramer Krasselt Chicago

Another reoccurring them; the ad involving a host and a celebrity. This was really the best I could find on Cramer Krasselt's website although I do like the idea. I just think the jokes fall flat. The only good thing is the host's voice. It's pretty calming.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Doner Detroit

This ad is funny but reminds me of way to money other commercials. The awkward moment yeah yeah yeah. See "need a moment, eat twix" or "wanna get away, fly southwest" I'm not saying that this ad is horrible, I just think the concept is redundant.

Saturday, December 12, 2009


Holy crap that took a long time. As I sit back and look at all of my final executed work for concepting, I think to myself "how did that take days and days to complete?" Although it was a bitch to be here for 12+ hours a day, I did have a lot of fun. I felt that our entire class bonded. Late night food runs, dance breaks, scratch off, etc.- we found ways to keep ourselves entertained (because coloring for 10 hours gets a little old). However, I am proud of my work and I am curious to see everyone's final vision. It was a long haul and I am excited to have it finished. Now time for my 21st bday and xmas-oh yeah.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Richard's Group Dallas

When I think of underwear ads, I think of Mark Wahlberg in a pair of Calvin Klein's- not 4 guys dressed up as fruits singing a love ballad. But the Richard's Group has defied all odds with this spot. It is very atypical and the entire concept is hilarious.

Bartle Bogle Hegarty New York

Unlike the Lowe ad for Axe, this one goes back to its original roots- that Axe makes you a sex symbol. Yes it objectifies women in a way, but it isn't supposed to be serious. It's so over the top I hope women wouldn't get offended.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Large Scale/ People in Masses Ads

AMV/ BBDO London

On the theme of large scale, people in masses- this Guiness ad demonstrates that with this beer, all people will gather together in happiness.

id like to buy the world a coke

DraftFCB New York

Again we are shown a large mass of people used to sell a product. This is the constant theme throughout all Verizon ads.

Weiden + Kennedy Portland

We see destruction and large scale performance throughout the entire city. This high production value spot adds to the massiveness of the spot.

McCann Erickson New York

This has got to be one of the first ads where coming together in masses or people interacting on a large scale is achieved. It has paved the way for the other ads on this post to blossom. This has now become a very prevalent way of showing advertising in today's market.


BBH New York

This is an odd "people in the masses" ad. You think the ad is a typical skincare ad until they close up on the skin and really it is masses of people. Goes with the theme of large masses.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Dentsu Santa Monica

Good god I hope Dentsu's advertising is better in Japan. This spot is what our industry strives not to be. Boring boring boring. I haven't even seen an agency's website have any work like this to view. I just hope my work does not come to this. ughhh

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Weiden + Kennedy Portland

The commercials are awesome. They get me so pumped. I love how they incorporate major athletes with regular people. They make it to where it is not about the superstar, it is about the game. That it takes the same speed, quickness, agility at all levels. Nike always seems to one up each of their ads.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Kirshenbaum Bond New York

Very weird spots coming out of Kirshenbaum Bond. This particular spot for Zwack Hungarian Liqueur is awfully odd but is kind of cool. It is not your typical liquor spot (see the bacardi spot I posted earlier). It has absolutely nothing about the liqueur. It kind of talks about the lifestyle although that particular lifestyle doesn't seem very appealing. Whatever it is, it is interesting to watch.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Cliff Freeman & Partners New York

Cliff Freeman has recently closed its doors. It's weirdness and quirkiness made it great. Like the Cobra spots and some other popular spots, this commercial has a "host" type character explaining what is going on. I think this type of advertising can be funny but seems a little old at this point.

Friday, November 27, 2009

VitroRobertson San Diego

Golf is a very niche sport in the US but if you know anything about golf then you can relate to this spot. It's heavily endorsed by the professional athletes but that's what golf is all about anyways-endorsements. If the Cobra driver can help me clear the water, then that is something I am interested in.

Crispin Porter + Bogusky Boulder

Crispin has done some great stuff with Burger King (whopper freakout, whopper virgins, etc.) but the Burger King "King' has got to be my favorite. It's BK's creepier but funnier version of Ronald McDonald. A lot of it is just weird and odd and this particular spot highlights the the partnership with the NFL and is quirky just like the typical "wake up with the King" spots. I hope that they continue to use the "King" because it never gets old.

Mckinney Raleigh Durham

These Travelocity Gnome commercials are just so dumb but they have really made the product into a brand name. The gnome is very recognizable and is immediately associated with Travelocity. So even if I dislike the particular ads, I do have to give it to them for developing an icon for Travelocity. And is that Al Bundy from Married With Children?

Euro RSCG New York

We've all heard them. "When Chuck Norris does pushups, he doesn't lift himself up, he pushes the world down." The fad began a few years ago and quickly became a hit. However recent Dos Equis commercials seemed to have ripped off this exaggerated style of facts. The most interesting man in the world--this suave, older, charasmatic gentelman is a lover, not a fighter, but hes also a fighter, so dont get any ideas. The Dos Equis "Most interesting man in the world" campaign defines what it is to be cool. Although as much as I love these commercials, it seems like they are a spin off of the Chuck Norris phenomena. It is the same, unbelievable, over the top claims. I can either classify Dos Equis as lazy--for not coming up with an original idea--or genious--for taking something so popular and turning it into a campaign. Take your pick. I do however, like that they are not like your average beer commercial- they are just so cool- I don't even know how to explain it.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Team One LA

Should we two-way Alicia? And I'm like hells yeahhh. I remember seeing this ad a few years back and still it is hilarious. Most phone companies promote their network range and minutes per month, etc--however, I like Boost Mobile's approach of talking about the experience rather than all the features-plus doing it through old people is hysterical.

Kaplan Thaler New York

First of all- a fat cupid?- hilarious. Second, I like this ad because it was done virally and it's about herbal essence but doesn't mention it once in the clip. I think that people are more inclined to visit the website when they don't know its for a product- it circulates more viewers and followers. So, score on this one Kaplan Thaler.

Fallon Minneapolis

Although I think the white guy doing the rap or gangster thing is really not that funny anymore (Malibu's Most Wanted killed it)- I do find the concept of staying at a Holiday Inn Express makes you able to do things you that are out of the ordinary- like beating a rapper in a rap battle very funny. It is very unexpected for this brand but when friends are showing me this ad on youtube because they think its pretty funny- then I think they are getting the exposure that they want.

Arnold Boston

I wonder why they did this in Dallas first of all. Maybe because everything is bigger in Texas? It is a TV spot but is very non traditional and you could even argue interactive with the public. It says that Carnival Cruises are bigger and better than the competition and is very cool because it very out of the ordinary.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Campbell Mithum Minneapolis

Tax season sucks. H&R Block is such a boring concept for such a boring time. However, Campbell Mithum has made some funny spots that really capture the stress of tax season. Again, notice the office theme.

Leo Burnett Chicago

Most cereal ads are about how good it tastes and are really "hokey." This particular ad stands out in my mind because how different it is when I think of Kellogg advertising. Usually, in my experience, healthy cereals are more targeted towards women where this does just the opposite-the man's man.

Saatchi & Saatchi New York

I love that Miller High Life is advertising to what it is- blue collar beer. However, with these ads, they make me not want to be in the skybox-because that's not real living- that's not what the game is about. This ad really captures the essence of what true living, enjoying life is about.

TAG San Francisco

First off. I want to know how many takes this took without mess ups. Second. This ad has nothing to do with xbox besides the tag so I find that kind of weird. It's a cool concept and fun to watch but to me it is counterintuitive. This ad is kind of promoting outdoor activities when xbox is primarily an indoor, lazy thing.

Mullen Boston

Another PSA yes, but this is about something we don't usually think about. It's similar to the medicine cabinet ad I posted earlier. We usually disregard a having just a few drinks before we drive. This ad shines light on this topic and shows that it's not ok to drink and drive- no matter the amount.

Deutsch LA

I am kind of sick of seeing commercials in an office setting- it is getting kind of old- ESPN, Burger King, etc. This one is pretty funny- the main actor makes the ad. Its also sad that Ed Begley Jr. is doing the supporting role on Direct TV spots now

Hill Holiday Boston

OK I know these ads are kinda cheesy but for some reason I like the idea of just a little thing can become such a huge impact. It reminds me of the pay it forward mantra. It is an insurance commercial-boring concept- and the aesthetics of the ad really make it enjoyable to watch.

Carmichael Lynch Minneapolis

These sasquatch ads are so dumb but keep me wanting to see more. I have even gone to their viral campaign online at to see what they are doing on there. I love that they are advertising a lifestyle as opposed to how it tastes- it makes it a lot more interesting and not as foreseen as other food ads do.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

DraftFCB New York

This ad is very different from the downer anti-drug/marijuana ads that I usually see. I like the satire and realism shown in them. When people think of drugs and where they come from, usually their parents (medicine cabinet) is the last place to think- but these ads bring light to this issue.

Lowe New York

This ad is so gross it's funny. I mean, if Axe Dry can fix this guy, it can probably help with my sweat. Usually when ads are this disgusting, it usually just grosses me out but because this is so well done and so dramatized, it makes for a hilarious spot and keeps me wondering why those guys are eating while his nasty sweat is spraying all over? haha

Friday, November 20, 2009

TM Advertising Dallas

Very cool stuff coming out of Dallas and by the agency from which our school is named after. This was one of the big ads they had during the Superbowl last year. This particular spot is very similar to the Southwest "wanna get away" spots- guy in an awkward situation trying to get out. But I still find this ad very funny

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The Matin Agency Richmond

These ads have grown to be a huge hit over the last year. It's a very simple concept and cost very little to make. I found it very cool that Andy Azula passed up Hollywood offers to remain the creative director at The Martin Agency- however Glenn just informed us that UPS just dropped The Martin Agency as a client. Crazy after all the good work. You do know you've done a good job though when SNL is parodying you- the man in a lady wig.

McCann Erickson New York

The term "Army Strong" was thought of after 20 McCann Erickson employees went through boot camp at the army's training facility in South Carolina. The realized that the toughness was on a different level. The ads show that not everyone has what it takes to be in the Army, that it takes a special someone- but those special someones have helped shape our country into what it is today.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Grey New York

This truly gives a new meaning to the sport of football-turning a violent and physical game into an art. Showing in just one simple clip, the true talent and gift that the players have. That there is more to football than just hard hits and smack talk. That it takes balance and precision-much like the title of the ad "Ballet"

Saturday, November 14, 2009

JWT Sydney

The only other car rental ads I can even think about seeing are Enterprise "We'll Pick You Up" and good god if those don't make you want to vomit, I don't know what will. This particular Thrifty ad gives a new meaning car rental commercials and a new idea on why to rent cars.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Young and Rubicam New York

I feel like this commercial is pretty Y&R-esque. Kinda simple, not that appealing. Walking through different generations blah, blah, blah- kinda reminds me of some of the Pepsi stuff out there. However, the song is awesome and makes the ad. Daylight by Matt and Kim if you were wondering.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Ogilvy & Mather New York

This is a classic case of taking a very simple and boring product and transforming the brand image to the "man's car oil" It reminds me of the Old Spice commercials that turns a old man product into something that is portrayed as cooler and for the man that wants to think with his dipstick.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Martin Williams Minneapolis

Alice Cooper in a Staples ad? This seems kind of counter of what you would expect. Throw a kid in the mix and I am lost. Staples is a cubical, office store. Not a kid, Alice Cooper store. However, this ad shows Staples (a somewhat boring and dry company) in a funny and new light- that they sell more than just boring office supplies.

Friday, November 6, 2009

LatinWorks Austin

I like this ad because of the unfamiliarity of the situation. Usually these characters are small and petite and now you see them as obese and lazy. The idea is becoming a reoccurring theme in childhood PSA's lately (the NFL's play 60 challenge)-encouraging children to get up and be active.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Dieste Harmel & Partners Dallas

This ad reminds me of the Southwest "wanna get away" ads. The wrong place at the wrong time- this theme is becoming very popular throughout the ad industry. However, I do like this one a lot better than the "pinesol lady" from the english ads.

GSD&M Idea City Austin

When you can get away with not mentioning the product until the last five seconds and people still get it, you did a pretty good job. I love the fact that they aren't talking about Southwest Airlines but in a way they are. Usually airline commercials are boring and sappy but Southwest does a good job keeping their image as the fun, quirky airline with this ad.

Friday, October 30, 2009

180 LA

This particular ad is really a miniseries on Its really not promoting Adidas in any way, just the charitable ways of Gilbert Arenas and Adidas just happens to be there along the way. It's a really cool video to watch and shows that these major celebrities/athletes really do care and want to give back.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Goodby Silverstein San Francisco

This particular NBA ad is very simple, yet very compelling. I love the idea of the spilt screen with two players on different teams, enemies on the court, sharing the same goal and dream. Watching this ad, you root for both success but realize only one will achieve it. It makes me want to tune into the playoffs to see who it will be.

Monday, October 19, 2009

TBWA New York

This Pedigree ad really gets to any dog lover. You really feel sympathy and want to jump up and go to the nearest animal shelter and adopt all of the dogs. It's different from other dog food ads because it is promoting a cause and not how much your dog will love it, make him bigger, stronger etc. Plus David Duchovny's voice is sexy.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

DDB Chicago

I find these ads hilarious. There is about 5 total and the concept is brilliant. Take a daredevil and put him in horrible situations for guys. It appeals to the male audience (obviously the target market) and is very relatable to the average guy.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

BBDO New York

I love this ad because it takes a boring situation (making a phone call) and with the help and direction from Martin Scorsese, makes it interesting and funny. Obviously Scorsese makes the ad, but the message at the end is clear, "don't interrupt our movies because we don't interrupt your daily routine"

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Human Puppet

Being a college student (and in a fraternity), drinking is very prevalent. People drink and they drink heavily. This ad in particular stuck out in my mind because I've seen this before in real life (in a lot more funny way). This ad was able to take me away from the funny side of the prank and cut straight to the realism. Pretty intense.

Ogilvy & Mather, NYC, NY


It is pretty obvious that this particular anit-AIDS ad did not run in the US. However I think it takes sex to a new fantasy world that doesn't censor itself at all. I think that this campaign says that "yeah we know what you're doing, how you're doing it, just be safe about it."

TBWA, Paris, France

People for Pugent Sound

When I first saw this ad I thought it was kind of trippy and the people that made it must have been on some type of drug in order to come up with it. However, it does have a catchy jingle and gets the message across that we need to be more wary of destroying Pugent Sound. Plus, a lot of the stuff that Wexley does (that I have seen) is kind of off beat and weird so this ad goes right with that personality.

Wexley School For Girls, Seattle, WA

A Dove Evolution

This ad is always talked about for being socially responsible while still promoting a product. The spot has won many awards but the buzz it has created is what really makes this ad stand out. This ad set a standard (or pulled away the standard) of beauty in America and how we perceive what beautiful is. It is an eye opener for those of us that don't work in the beauty industry to see how it really works. Dove's campaign is very memorable and will hopefully provoke a stir in they we way women are perceived.

Ogilvy & Mather, Toronto

It's Okay to Fail

For any athlete, there are ups and downs and always bumps in the road. Nike really captures this and makes it okay to fail in order to succeed--that life doesn't come easy and sometime you won't do as expected. Using MJ as the spokesperson makes it relevant because usually all of his accolades are discussed-- we never hear about his failures. It allows the audience to see that even the world's best athletes come up short sometimes.

Wieden+Kennedy, Portland, OR

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Coke and Grand Theft Auto?

From its beginning days advertising the cola product, Coke has been at the forefront of responsible advertising. They are consistently running advertisements that promote unity and happiness. They are never questioned for their provocative or inappropriate campaigns. They strive to be great and promote a sense of wholesomeness. This particular example is playing off the famous Grand Theft Auto Game and turning it into a "feel good" statement.

Weiden+Kennedy, Portland, OR

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Whew, its been awhile... ADV ART

So is advertising art? Maybe. Maybe not. Sometimes? Everytime? Well I believe I have found a few pieces that would be considered art...well to me.

I love this advertisement because of the uniqueness behind it. It takes a negative thing (explosion or demolition) and turns it into something beautiful and breathtaking. It shows exactly how to advertise "it's not what it's about." The clown kind of creeps me out and is kind of unnecessary but goes with the craziness of the entire piece.

Fallon Worldwide, London

This ad to me screams simplicity. It is such a simple concept yet so different and beautiful. The lighting and the soundtrack really make the add to me. Although I love this ad very much, I have heard the rumor that they stole the idea from the David Letterman Show where they did this exact thing--but regardless it's still pretty cool.

Fallon Worldwide, London

I watched this ad for the first time in Intro to Creativity last year and was astounded. We watched the "making of" portion too and the amount of work that went in to making this 1 min spot is unbelievable. They used stop motion animation and made hundreds of rabbits (including that huge one) in order for the spot to work. I think this is creativity at its finest.

Fallon Worldwide

Wow. This ad is just plain awesome. When I first saw it, I was like "there is no way they could make that work." But after watching the "making of" I saw just how much work went into turning the Gatorade bottles into Michael Jordan. I believe it is art because they are turning ordinary, boring, plastic Gatorade bottles into a mural.

TBWA/CHIAT/DAY/Los Angeles, California

The art aspect of this advertisement is pretty easy to grasp ,however it's taking painting to a new level. I just love the idea of using a car as a paint brush. The final piece actually turns out pretty cool and the ad strays away from your typical car commercial putting BMW in a class of its own.

GSD&M Idea City, Austin, Texas

Monday, April 27, 2009

People that are annoying

As I live my life, I am constantly annoyed by people. So, in an effort to make these annoyances publicly aware, I decided to compile a list of types of people that are annoying. Here it goes.

Vegetarians that talk about their eating habits and comment on yours.
People who got picked first for sports teams in elementary school.
People who sing along with songs when they don't know the lyrics.
People that use bluetooths.
Potheads that always talk about smoking weed. Come on. We aren't in middle school anymore. Grow up and do coke like an adult.
Morning people.
Dentists who try to have a conversation with you while they are working on your teeth and you can't respond.
People who tell long, elaborate jokes that seem to go on forever, and then mess up the punchline.
People that wear their letterman jacket in college.
People who use foreign words in conversation.
People who quote the entire movie.
People who talk in baby voice.
Relentlessly cheerful people.
Mothers who let their children run around screaming in stores.
Salespeople who latch onto you and follow you around the store, asking if they can help you, until you either give up and buy something, or go nuts and beat them to death with a display rack.

i'm bo yo

Bo Burnham is a self made phenomena. His concept is rather simple. He just uploads videos of him playing his own songs and raps from his bedroom. He has had millions of hits online and continues to become popular. He has been featured in Spin magazine and has his songs are available on iTunes. His lyrics are genius. They are intellectually dirty and funny. If you are looking for a good laugh that will make you think a little bit, watch bo.


The fear of getting rid of stuff.

People who suffer from maladies such as depression or obsessive compulsive disorders often end up buying things, bringing them home and dropping them. Rather than looking for what they own, they simply go out and buy more and do the same thing.....over and over and over again. We call this behavior..... Shop n Drop. It is not clear whether compulsive hoarding is a condition in itself, or simply a symptom of other related conditions. Several studies have reported a correlation between hoarding and the presence and/or severity of obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD). Hoarding behaviour is also related to obsessive–compulsive personality disorder (OCPD). In my opinion, clinically proven disease or not, these people need some serious help.

How to not get your ass kicked by the police

Chris rocks explains in this bit from The Chris Rock Show how to not get your ass kicked by the police. He gives step by step instructions on this. I miss Chris Rock and wish he came out with more good stuff like this rather than play in movies like Head of State-which by the way is awful and should be put on everyone's "do not watch" list.

Get Inside my head

So, for this particular blog, I decided to give you a glimpse of what goes in my head--how my personality works. I am pretty laid back person and really just like to laugh at life--I like to look at this as a positive but my friends tell me I take nothing seriously. I feel that if you're constantly thinking too hard into things and taking a serious approach to life--you'll end up boring and dead inside. I really am an asshole to my friends--but a sarcastic asshole, not a mean asshole (there is a big difference). I try not to judge people, especially on this campus where judgement is passed on everyone but I am no saint. I never bite my tongue and that has caused me to burn a few bridges in my life--but I figure those bridges were never worth crossing to begin with. I live a care free lifestyle and was raised a free thinker. I try to dress inappropriately at formal functions (by inappropriately, I mean pink blazers, plaid pants and top hats and canes--not inappropriate like a banana hammock). I curse like a sailor and enjoy highly inappropriate and offensive rap songs because they make me laugh (it baffles me that these people make money on this but hey, I have to give them props if it's working--see "My Neck, My Back" by Khia for an idea). I am extremely lazy and sleep when I have free time. I used to work out constantly in high school but stopped when I came to college. I just cannot motivate myself. I've been in love once but it ended badly and has made me have a hard time trusting women. I'm not very religious-I am not opposed to the idea but have not been convinced either way. I don't read much--honestly the last book I actually read was Stephen Colbert's book, I Am American and So Can You! I love stand up comedy and could watch hit for hours. I think Michael Vick got the shaft and I think these left wing PETA activists need to spend their time fighting a bigger issue--there are people out there doing far worse things. I am pretty close with my family. I have two younger siblings. OJ didn't do it.

Old people are so cool

So I was thinking about it and really, old people are the only real people alive. See, men are constantly plagued by their sexual drive. We are constantly trying to impress women--with the ultimate goal of sex. Once we grow old and stop having sex, the person in each of us is truly shown. Old people don't have to impress anyone--because that part of their life is over. They can say whatever they want with no repercussion. No one judges the elderly-- we just laugh and move on. My grandparents are truly the coolest people I know and that comes from their experiences and their constant carefree attitude.

Ghost Ride It

So the craze that I just jumped on board with is this idea of ghost riding the whip. Now, for you that don't speak ebonics, that is when you jump out of the car while it is in drive and dance while the car is moving. The passengers can dance next to the car or get on the hood or the top of the car. Now obviously this is dangerous so proceed with caution. Also, there is only one acceptable song to ghost ride your whip to, and that is Mistah Fab's "Ghost Ride It." My friends and I have been practicing and have recently ghost rided our car down the boulevard. For instructions on how to ghost ride your whip with the most success, make sure to watch and listen carefully to Mistah Fab's music video for ghost riding.

Procrastination is going to kill me

So, duh, it's the end of the semester. Woohoo! Not. I have so much work to do it is unbelievable. I don't understand why teachers choose to have everything due in a one week time frame on the last week of school. Now, yes, I have had the syllabus for the entire semester. And yes, I technically could have been working on my two 10+ papers since March. But let's be real people. That is is not going to happen. And now I have projects, papers, tests (that's another one I do not understand. Why are we giving tests a week before finals? Did we not learn how to lesson plan?) and finals to be studying for. The next couple of weeks are going to be hell and I most likely will not leave the library but, hey, that's what college is all about, isn't it? I would rather be doing this than going to a 9-5 job that I hate. So my procrastination combined with the massive amounts of studying will result in my social death. But right now, I don't think I would want it any other way. I love college. You know that drawing that Dr. Griffin showed us in class for his book? The one that said "Monday- Get Assignment and then Friday-right before 5 pull something out of my ass." That's how I feel the semester has gone and right now it is ass pulling time.

Believe In Your Dreams

Ok. Random video post time. I came across this video while surfing youtube. At first glance, you might think this is a stupid, pathetic attempt for a bit, but over time, I found it to be absolutely hilarious. Watch it in its entirety though because the ending is hilarious. Andy Samberg and the "The Lonely Island" (On a Boat, Jizz in My Pants) are the only thing, in my opinion, that is keeping Saturday Night Live decent. I wish SNL would go back in time when it was in its prime with Adam Sandler, Chris Farley, Mike Myers and Chris Rock.

Let a Stranger Drive You Home

I was watching television the other day and I came across this commercial. Heineken's "Let a Stranger Drive You Home" is absolutely hilarious to me and is relatable. Being a college student that flocks to Greenville Ave. Thursday, Friday and Saturday's, a cab is usually needed. And after a few drinks, a scene much like the one in this commercial, usually erupts. I love the headline too, I think it depicts the negatively connotated word "stranger" and turns it in to a fun loving character. Plus Biz Markie's "Just a Friend" is just awesome in itself.

Chris Brown should get his ass kicked

So everyone knows that Chris Brown beat his girlfriend, Rhianna. It has been all over the news channels and magazines but some people were so enraged they wrote a song about it. Smoke Jumpers' new song "My Flow So Tight (Anti-Breezy)" bashes Chris Brown. I wonder how long it will be before Chris sues them for slander.

My flow so tight and the beats so sick
Chris Brown should get his ass kicked

Boy hits girl, boy should be taken down
No matter who's around
The more I search yo the more I found
That there's a curse to this last name Brown
Dude can dance, hey yo dude gets loose
Dude should come clean and tell the truth
All the money in the world but it's no excuse
Career suicide yo here's the noose

College Boy

The critique of my last blog was that it was too "college boy." What does that even mean? I am not going to blame anybody in particular for this critique (*cough cough* Dr. Griffin) but I am just confused. I do understand that it is my fault for not going to Dr. Griffin for an explanation but I am just venting. Contrary to the perceived point in my life, I am a college boy. So wouldn't I write about college boy things? My life experiences are of a college boy, my mind thinks like a college boy. How can I be critiqued for the stage of life that I am currently in--the things that I know? I am exposed to the college boy things and that is what I enjoy writing about. I like sports, fraternity life, beer bongs, fighting, body odor, sex, hunting, dirt, duct tape, action films, Budweiser commercials--you know, manly, college boy things. This is my attempt to be funny and sarcastic. Here is a commercial that I thought was a good wrap up of the whole manly, college boy topic.

What's Good For You?

Good. Good is the freedom in the media that surrounds us. It ‘s the funk in a song. It’s the rhythm in a beat. Good is the spontaneity in every day life -the freedom to express your feelings and emotions. Good is the blowing of the wind in your face while you drive down the highway. Good is the feeling you get just before you fall in love and the passion after. Good is the adrenaline that fuels your body. It is the soul, the drive and the pulse inside you. Good is being alive. Good is life and life is good.

One Wild Weekend

This past weekend my fraternity went down to San Antonio for our Formal Away Weekend. We stayed at the Wyndham St. Anthony in downtown San Antonio. It was a wild adventure in the city. With Texas Fiesta going on during the weekend, the city was jam packed and there was a constant party in the streets. The weekend was topped off with our formal Saturday night. We had it at the Towers of the Americas in Downtown, 700 feet above the city. It was a memorable party and was definitely a great way to end the semester. On another note, my date made me a cooler for the weekend. Every time we have a formal, the girls always make coolers. They are painted and then filled with food, alcohol and gifts. I just have never understood this tradition. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I think they are awesome, but where did this tradition come from? It just seems so random. If you can tell me, please let me know.

My designs

Check out some of my t-shirt designs from my fraternity. One is a replica of the brand Guy Harvey and the other is a Rolex replica. I design most of our t-shirts and try to make them as “classy” as possible. I’m in the middle of designing Tommy Bahama and Jimmy Buffet look a like’s.

Friday, April 24, 2009

So you wanna be fratty?

SMU. A campus run by the greek system. With 9 fraternities and 8 sororites, greek life is essential to the undergraduate life. But unlike many groups, fraternities and sororities have a certain dress code they have to abide by. For freshman entering college, many do know know what dress is acceptable to wear. However, there is a solution. This website is a step by step guide to the fraternity wardrobe. It shows the fraternity newcomer the do's and don'ts of the fraternity attire. The website also provides definitions of the frat lingo that is spoken.

Fratitude - Noun: the state of mind at which one embraces those things that are truly fratty and rejects those things which exemplify douchebaggery
Fratfit - Noun: An extremely fratty complete outfit.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


What do guys think about girls? Lets start out with the obvious. Girls are different from guys. Apart from the obvious anatomy it seems as though they are not on the same wavelength as we are. There is a reason why people say we are from different planets. If you ask ten different guys you are going to get ten different answers about their views on women, and previous experiences with girlfriends, mothers, sisters, and purely friends who are girls. The plain and simple truth is that they are different and we will never really understand what they are thinking. What I can recall is what goes inside a guy's head when it comes to women. Here is a list of things that guys think women should know.

PMS is not an excuse.
You are not always right.
Bitchy is unattractive.
We love boobs.
We are nervous around you.
At least pretend you like sports.
Guy time is guy time.
If we say you're not fat, you're not fat.
Say what's on your mind. We don't like playing the guessing game.
We don't care about your ex boyfriend.
You are beautiful or we wouldn't be trying.
We don't care which outfit you wear, we want to see you naked anyway.
We love spending time with you, just as long as it doesn't consist of shopping.
We don't want to be "just friends."
Be spontaneous.
We are perverts, but we can't help it.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Woot Woot! Check it out. Everyday there is a new item for sale at a considerably low rate. They sell new and used items. However, there is only one featured product each day- and when they run out, you are SOL. Woot runs a 2 for Tuesday which offers 2 of the same item for the price of one. Woot is cleverly designed and written. The description of the item is often sarcastic and funny. I find myself always checking woot just because it takes literally 5 seconds. Also, recently they added a shirt section and a wine section that offers new items for each. So if you are ever bored, surfing the web, check out

College paraphernalia from other schools?

Why do people wear shirts, hats, sweatshirts, etc. from other schools which they do not attend? I constantly see students on campus repping Vanderbilt, USC and UT. It blows my mind. Reality check- You go to SMU. It is sad that our campus cannot even support its own school. No wonder only about 20 people attend the sports games. Come on SMU, have a little more pride.

Sunday, April 12, 2009


So I just signed my first apartment lease. For a first time apartment, I sure got a sweet setup. I signed with my two good friends Hugh and Kyle at the Mosaic downtown. We are on the 11th story of the 34 story high rise. It has a very urban theme with concrete floors, modern art on the walls and techno music playing throughout the building. As my realtor put it, "this is the swankest and dankest apartment complex in Dallas--this is where you pop your collar and wear your sunglasses at night." I love the building and our loft is amazing. However, I am a little skeptical being in guido central. The people living there look to be right out of the "My New Haircut" video. I wouldn't be surprised if they filmed porn at this place. However, I am young and I am excited to be in the middle of the city in a high rise loft because in a couple of years I will enter the real world and the high rise-city lifestyle will no longer exist for me--especially when I'm paying back a six figure loan.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


In the US today, technology is expanding at a rapid pace. With the internet being the main component of technology in many people's lives, music pirating has become the norm for youth. Programs like Limewire, Kazaa, Ares, etc make it so easy to get your favorite music and movies for free, at the click of a button. It seems harmless. The recent transformation from physical to digital has allowed for programs like iTunes to exist. But I don't want to pay a dollar for every song I want to listen to. Especially when I can download it for free from Limewire. Using Limewire can be either legal or illegal, depending upon what you're downloading or sharing. Using Limewire, or anything else, to download material that is under copyright (music, software, or movies) is illegal. It's a violation of international copyright law, and if you're caught the fine is between $750.00 and $150,000.00 per file illegally downloaded. It's ethically wrong, illegally wrong but financially beneficial. You decide.

I am a sucker for crap on TV

As I flip the channels, looking for something to spark my interest, I come across shows like Flava of Love, The Real World, Maury, Bromance, The Hills, Laguna Beach-pretty much anything on MTV or VH1. However, for some reason I stop flipping and watch. I know these shows have no intelligent value whatsoever, but I continue to watch them. Why? I often ask myself how these shows even made it past a boardroom. Who comes up this stuff? We always talk about "crap on TV." But these shows are lower than crap--they are the bottom of the bottom, the low of the low. If I wanted to watch crappy shows, I'd watch Family Guy or Scrubs. But I find myself watching the worst TV has to offer. I don't know why. If anything, the people featured on these programs are a constant reminder to get an education.

Human Cock Fighting

Ultimate Fighting Championship, otherwise known as UFC, has become a household name. This legitimately fascinates me for several reason. The first, is that a multi billion dollar corporation gains its revenue purely from MMA (mixed martial arts), otherwise known as two guys beating the shit out of each other. Secondly, I'm fascinated because UFC used to be hated by the public. It was seen as an overly brutal disaster that only attracted men who thought they could hold their own at a bar. Now, after new management took over, and the "Martial arts" aspect of MMA is wildly present, you have icons created that fuel the fastly growing industry. You have fighters from all over the world with different backgrounds-school teachers, accountants, European fighters-anything. And it all comes together about every two weeks now to put on a show that displays the oldest form of competition known to man, in a disciplined way. And as for bragging rights, UFC has far surpassed boxing in popularity, as an audience at a recent title boxing match were bored by the lack of action, and started chanting "UFC...UFC...UFC!"

Spring Break 2009

Spring Break is stereotyped by students attempting to improve the human gene pool by engaging in dangerous behavior. This year, I actually had two choices for my spring break activities. A beach house in Port Aransas, TX or a villa in Palm Springs, CA. Either would be filled with a week of raging with friends. I chose to fly to Palm Springs to experience California. I have never been there before so I am stoked to wake up, play a round of golf, and hit the pool in the afternoon. However, it seems that this year, the typical Cancun vacation is being highly frowned upon. The U.S. State Department and universities around the country are warning college students headed for Mexico for some spring-break partying of a surge in drug-related murder and mayhem south of the border.Mexico's drug cartels are waging a bloody fight among themselves for smuggling routes and against government forces, carrying out massacres and dumping beheaded bodies in the streets. It's crazy down south. I'm just glad I will be on the west coast.

Psychics are laughable

In my pseudo science class, we talked about the psychics that claim to have the ability to communicate with the dead. John Edwards claims to be one of these paranormal beings. He is known all over the world for his abilities even though his accuracy is less than impressive. His show Crossing Over, had him speaking with (or "reading") audiences and claiming to make connections with the deceased friends and family of the audience members. When people are grieving over dead loved ones they will do anything and pay any amount of money for a chance to communicate with them. When John Edwards gives them one of his so-called "readings" or says that he is in contact with their dead loved ones, it gives people a false glimmer of hope. Let's face reality: what John Edwards does is nothing more than tossing out a stream of guesses and letting the person fill in the answers. His has no ability to speak with the deceased. He exploits people's vulnerability and cashes in on it.

Stan from South Park explains how John Edwards "communicates."

Here is a video of John Edwards in action. Sickening, really.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Michael Jackson's "Thriller." The dance is famous. It has been incorporated into many hollywood productions. In the SoBe commercial for water, the vertical intertextuality is present; incorporating the famous dance as a marketing ploy for the drink. In my opinion, this commercial is god awful. It's boring and lazy. Also, the "gecko" is already a trademark for Geico--another element that makes the commercial unsuccessful.

$30,000 Millionaire

The $30,000 millionaire. The name derives from their distinctive behavioral pattern of spending more money than they make in an attempt to appear wealthy and desirable. Dallas is full of them. As I venture out to Greenville Ave I am swarmed with douchebaggery. The Dallas Observer warns of them: The creature is predominantly nocturnal. He is occasionally spotted during daylight hours in close proximity to brunch buffets and build-your-own-Bloody-Mary bars. More intelligent than many experts give him credit for, the $30,000 millionaire is highly social and characterized by easily identifiable plumage: wildly spiked, occasionally faux-hawked and usually frosted hair atop the head. About the torso, look for brand-name adornment in the form of shirts stamped with cheeky slogans or printed with a great deal of over-designed crap. There will be man-jewelry. The Dallas Observer ran a story on the background of the 30k millionaire. It is hysterical and I highly encourage anyone who is not familiar with this species to read it.

Southern Millionaire's University $$

It's crazy how much of a "bubble" SMU is in. I transferred to SMU last spring from the University of North Texas. UNT is very different. A LOT less money, A LOT less materialism. Don't get me wrong, I love SMU and I am very glad I transferred here. It just seems that when I go outside of the Highland Park, University Park area, I feel more like a "normal" person. Maybe it is because of the considerable amounts of wealth that surround SMU that I am just not used to. I was on campus the other day and I saw an Aston Martin with a student parking pass. Wow. I hope to someday be able to make a good enough living to afford a nice car, much less, drive a $150,000 car during college. I mean, where do you move up from an Aston Martin? Because of the money that surrounds this campus, I am constantly inspired to do well in life.

I found this definition of SMU on I found it quite humorous.
Where going to class is a formal affair and you can never reware an outfit. Guys sport Lacoste polo’s with their Sevens jeans and girls pop their collars underneath their sorority t-shirts. Where rainbows, northface jackets and uggs are a staple for summer and winter weather. Where getting in the right Frat or Sorority house defines who you are for the next 3 years. Nobody cares what you drive, so long as it’s a BMW or a Range Rover. Tailgating is a sport and watching football is a break between the pre-partying and the after party. No worries, we aren’t sore losers we’ll drink our weight in Alcohol whether we win or lose.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Cocaine in a can

America is undeniably habitual suckers for marketing ploys. The latest, is the booming industry of energy drinks. I am amazed every time I go to grab something from a convenience store, and even vending machine, to see how energy drinks have forced their way into mainstream diet. The idea of an energy drink in itself is amusing, considering the idea is to give you energy. America is the perfect target, considering that health so often comes as an afterthought. The extreme amount of sugar, caffeine, and other "energy enhancers" amount to a short period of heightened alertness and energy. However, for anyone who has ever drank one, it then leads to an inevitable crash. This is unavoidable, given the purpose of the drink-to give energy- and that is attained by caffeine and sugar alone. It has taken over the lazy America's drink industry and become a multi billion dollar facet of the the economy. America is an open valve for money making exploitation of the failure to evaluate consequences and health.

Wasting away again in margaritaville...

Jimmy Buffett is on tour. Jimmy Buffett ladies and gentleman. I went to his show last year and it is not like anything you have ever seen before. It is more than a concert. It is a weekend of mayhem. The parking lot is full of RV's and trailers. People are walking around, not only drinking, but drinking heavily. Many drinking games are played. My personal favorite, "Drinko" (like the Price is Right game "Plinko"). The police are absent. It's as if they just look the other way for the weekend. I wouldn't even call myself a huge fan particularly. I like some of his music, it's pretty good. But the concert is not what you go for. You go for the experience. It is like one giant family of drunken, stoned hippies, just looking for a good time and some cool tunes. I encourage anyone who has been to "Margaritaville" to join in on this momentous occasion. It is something everyone should experience.

Prank war gone too far?

As a bit of a jokester myself, I enjoy watching or hearing funny bits. I was watching VH1's 40 greatest pranks countdown the other day on television and a spot came up that had me speechless. I didn't know whether to laugh or take pity. The prank came from Two friends were having a prank war back and forth when one may have taken a joke a little far.

You be the judge.


While I'm on the subject of athletes that just flat out suck. Tim Tebow's name flashes brightly in my head. He is the epitome of douchebaggery. Maybe it's because he is so hyped up. But lets face it folks, Tebow spends his free time preaching to the incarcerated, curing cancer (I assume), trimming the foreskin of the impovrished, and keeping the planets properly aligned by toting the earth around the sun to keep it in its proper orbit. He is a god. At least that is what ESPN, FOX, NBC, ABC and CBS make him out to be. Maybe I'm being pessimistic, but I'm just waiting for some real dirt to come out to ruin Tebow's squeaky clean image.

Tiger Woods...the worst part of golf

As a golf lover and an avid player, I love to watch professional golf. However, the media around Tiger Woods lately is annoying and repetitive. I'm sure Tiger is a nice guy, but if I have to hear about his hurt knee again I'm going to put a bullet in my head. Athletes get hurt. Done. End of story. I'm sorry but every bad shot he has is not because he has a hurt knee. Sportscasters need to get some new material because they are comparing him to Jesus. And in all honesty, golf was more interesting with Tiger out of the mix. It gave way for others to take the crown--more competition. Tiger is undoubtedly the best player in professional sports...I just cannot stand hearing the broadcasters consistently commenting through a 4 day tournament on Tiger's injury.

No Band Aid, No Fun

The NBA banned Dwayne Wade from wearing his signature band aids in an effort to stop any "flash" or "self promotion." What they really are banning is FUN. Dear commissioner Stern, the jobs of your employees are not professional. Their job is to shoot a ball in a net. Come on. The fans like to see their favorite athlete have a "special" identity. Allen Iverson with his arm sleeve, Rip Hamilton with his face mask, Dwayne Wade with his band aid. Who cares? I'm sick of corporate executives making absurd rules based on their own self conservation. Its the NBA, its supposed to be entertaining. It is supposed to be fun.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Mickey Rourke was robbed at the Oscars!

Mickey Rourke put on a stellar, momentous, lasting performance in "The Wrestler" as Randy "The Ram" Robinson. It was a once in a lifetime performance. "The Wrestler" was one of the best movies of the year, in my opinion, and probably should have been up for best picture. Although Sean Penn's role in "Milk" was very good, he could have been right when he said the Academy was a bunch of "commie, homo-loving, son of a guns." Maybe that is why he won. Sean Penn's role was based on imitation. It was not memorable. Rourke let it all hang out. "The Wrestler" is a gut-wrenching and honest portrait. I can not see any other actor in Hollywood playing Randy "The Ram" Robinson with the effect that Rourke did. I believe he was robbed of the Academy Award.

Rip off of Chuck Norris Jokes?

We've all heard them. "When Chuck Norris does pushups, he doesn't lift himself up, he pushes the world down." The fad began a few years ago and quickly became a hit. However recent Dos Equis commercials seemed to have ripped off this exaggerated style of facts. The most interesting man in the world--this suave, older, charasmatic gentelman is a lover, not a fighter, but hes also a fighter, so dont get any ideas. The Dos Equis "Most interesting man in the world" campaign defines what it is to be cool. Although as much as I love these commercials, it seems like they are a spin off of the Chuck Norris phenomena. It is the same, unbelievable, over the top claims. I can either classify Dos Equis as lazy--for not coming up with an original idea--or genious--for taking something so popular and turning it into a campaign. Take your pick.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Stimulus or bust

I don't understand whatsoever how the recently signed stimulus plan is the best plan of action. The idea is to pump money into the economy and increase consumer spending, as well as investing. However, our government has taken it upon themselves to create a wealth of jobs, and send money to hurting companies and industries, spending close to $300,000 per job created in doing so. Does this make sense? I don't claim to be an economist or have the knowledge that those in power do, but the facts I see don't add up. The Republican party proposed that there be no income tax for any American for 6 months, which would generally give back a comparable amount of money gained from the lack of taxation on income. This would undoubtedly create more spending as people feel wealthier from the more money in each paycheck. However, our government thought it was necessary to create $787 billion and hope that it trickles down to the consumers and ultimately save the economy. Really? The DJI is plummeting, now below 7500, and creating more and more money is supposed to fix the problem? Like I said, I'm not an economist. Hopefully our savior Barack comes through on this one.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

SMU administration cracking down

It's amazing to me that the university decided to punish Kappa Alpha Order to the extreme that they did in order to make a point to IFC and the SMU greek system. This has been a heated debate for the past few days on whether or not the punishment fit the crime. Yes, KA had not been off some type of university suspension for more than 6 weeks in the past 3 years. Yes, they did not register some parties with the university. Yes, there was an apparent hazing incident. But is this enough to completely shut their charter down for the next 4 years? Ruin their reputation, and force over 70 actives and 25 pledges out of the greek system (which so many people on this campus are apart of). People have argued that there are other fraternities that have committed worse offenses more times but are still allowed to continue on this campus. I do not agree with completely shutting a chapter down. This seems like a lazy way to punish an entire chapter for individuals actions. SMU administration is trying to impede on something (greek life) that has such a huge impact on so many people's lives and which generates a huge revenue for the school itself. Being affiliated with another greek organization, I hope that the KA pledges can find another place that they can experience greek life and I hope Kappa Alpha comes back strong in the fall of 2012. 

Thursday, February 5, 2009

What the hell is the stanky leg?

As I turn on the radio and flip through the local hip hop stations, "Do the Stanky Leg" comes on. Really? The stanky leg? Lately, rap songs have come out complimented with dance. There is Soulja Boy's "Crank That", B Hamp's "Ricky Bobby", Dem Franchise Boyz "Lean Wit it Rock Wit it" and many more. It just awes me on what sells. The lyrics for these songs are absolutely ridiculous and many times have no defiant meaning. However, with catchy beats and fun dance moves, these types of songs have become overwhelming in our society today. But seriously, what the hell is the stanky leg? It baffles me that so many uneducated hip hop stars come up with these songs that everyone pays to listen to. Well, bitch I'm wild up! Do the stanky leg!

Monday, January 26, 2009

What is the Standard?

Fraternity Rush week. For a fraternity member, one of the most stressful times of the year. For a freshman rushee, one of the craziest and drunkest weeks of their lives. After an event collapsed for my fraternity due to a total lack of communication/getting fucked over by the venue, myself along with 5 other brothers took it upon ourselves to take our top recruits to indulge in the wonderful world of strippers. Jaguars Gold Club. Hot women, big boobs, and expensive lap dances. Being strip club virgins, every freshman guy was in awe. They had never seen anything like it. Women willing to throw their naked bodies on you for an excessive amounts of money (one of which informed me she was paying for SMU Grad School by working there which I found extremely hysterical. I am glad we are accepting the cream of the crop people to represent our academics). After dropping around $700 in a matter of 45 minutes (and about 10 or so lap and private dances in the bag) we called it a night. After the night, we had verbal commitments from each and every one of the rushee's to pledge the fraternity. A night, that I considered a success. 2 weeks has passed since the close of rush, and I was informed after our chapter meeting tonight that I was being brought in front of our standards board to discuss the "lewd" acts that I participated in during rush. These "lewd" acts were obviously referring to the stripclub that I visited during rush. They sat me down, and drilled me with questions about the night. After the questioning was over, I waited while they deliberated over their final verdict. They then proceeded to sit me down, and reem me for my actions of rush. I was told that it was an assumption by the fraternity that we hold ourselves to a "higher standard" and that we as a chapter do not use strippers as a recruitment tool. HAHA. I almost bursted out laughing at the thought that our standards board (the group that is supposed to set the standard for the fraternity) was actually thinking about punishing me based on an assumption. We all know never assume because it makes an ASS-out of U-and-ME. I came to the realization that their argument had no credibility whatsoever. My rebuttal, was that we as fraternity had bars rented out each day for rush, and served alcohol to minors underage--something that is ILLEGAL. I was involved in an event that was perfectly LEGAL. So where do you draw the line on what is the standard? They proceeded to sit on their high horses and not go back on their initial argument, knowing that they had no credible line of reasoning. They punished me with a fine, and a form of social probabtion. It blows my mind of the ignorance and idiocracy that members of our executive board tend to practice. The double standard that is upheld shows me that our elected officers care more about themselves and sticking to their rash and foolish decisions rather than promoting the standards for conduct. I really am tempted to get my lawyer involved.

(Caption from bylaws)
Disorderly and offensive conduct at third party events:
i. Disorderly and/or offensive conduct shall not be tolerated by
this chapter. Disorderly and/or offensive conduct includes, but
is not limited to the following: fighting, verbal, physical, or
sexual harassment, and lewd displays.