Monday, April 27, 2009

Get Inside my head

So, for this particular blog, I decided to give you a glimpse of what goes in my head--how my personality works. I am pretty laid back person and really just like to laugh at life--I like to look at this as a positive but my friends tell me I take nothing seriously. I feel that if you're constantly thinking too hard into things and taking a serious approach to life--you'll end up boring and dead inside. I really am an asshole to my friends--but a sarcastic asshole, not a mean asshole (there is a big difference). I try not to judge people, especially on this campus where judgement is passed on everyone but I am no saint. I never bite my tongue and that has caused me to burn a few bridges in my life--but I figure those bridges were never worth crossing to begin with. I live a care free lifestyle and was raised a free thinker. I try to dress inappropriately at formal functions (by inappropriately, I mean pink blazers, plaid pants and top hats and canes--not inappropriate like a banana hammock). I curse like a sailor and enjoy highly inappropriate and offensive rap songs because they make me laugh (it baffles me that these people make money on this but hey, I have to give them props if it's working--see "My Neck, My Back" by Khia for an idea). I am extremely lazy and sleep when I have free time. I used to work out constantly in high school but stopped when I came to college. I just cannot motivate myself. I've been in love once but it ended badly and has made me have a hard time trusting women. I'm not very religious-I am not opposed to the idea but have not been convinced either way. I don't read much--honestly the last book I actually read was Stephen Colbert's book, I Am American and So Can You! I love stand up comedy and could watch hit for hours. I think Michael Vick got the shaft and I think these left wing PETA activists need to spend their time fighting a bigger issue--there are people out there doing far worse things. I am pretty close with my family. I have two younger siblings. OJ didn't do it.

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