Monday, April 27, 2009

People that are annoying

As I live my life, I am constantly annoyed by people. So, in an effort to make these annoyances publicly aware, I decided to compile a list of types of people that are annoying. Here it goes.

Vegetarians that talk about their eating habits and comment on yours.
People who got picked first for sports teams in elementary school.
People who sing along with songs when they don't know the lyrics.
People that use bluetooths.
Potheads that always talk about smoking weed. Come on. We aren't in middle school anymore. Grow up and do coke like an adult.
Morning people.
Dentists who try to have a conversation with you while they are working on your teeth and you can't respond.
People who tell long, elaborate jokes that seem to go on forever, and then mess up the punchline.
People that wear their letterman jacket in college.
People who use foreign words in conversation.
People who quote the entire movie.
People who talk in baby voice.
Relentlessly cheerful people.
Mothers who let their children run around screaming in stores.
Salespeople who latch onto you and follow you around the store, asking if they can help you, until you either give up and buy something, or go nuts and beat them to death with a display rack.

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