Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Psychics are laughable

In my pseudo science class, we talked about the psychics that claim to have the ability to communicate with the dead. John Edwards claims to be one of these paranormal beings. He is known all over the world for his abilities even though his accuracy is less than impressive. His show Crossing Over, had him speaking with (or "reading") audiences and claiming to make connections with the deceased friends and family of the audience members. When people are grieving over dead loved ones they will do anything and pay any amount of money for a chance to communicate with them. When John Edwards gives them one of his so-called "readings" or says that he is in contact with their dead loved ones, it gives people a false glimmer of hope. Let's face reality: what John Edwards does is nothing more than tossing out a stream of guesses and letting the person fill in the answers. His has no ability to speak with the deceased. He exploits people's vulnerability and cashes in on it.

Stan from South Park explains how John Edwards "communicates."

Here is a video of John Edwards in action. Sickening, really.

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