Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Human Cock Fighting

Ultimate Fighting Championship, otherwise known as UFC, has become a household name. This legitimately fascinates me for several reason. The first, is that a multi billion dollar corporation gains its revenue purely from MMA (mixed martial arts), otherwise known as two guys beating the shit out of each other. Secondly, I'm fascinated because UFC used to be hated by the public. It was seen as an overly brutal disaster that only attracted men who thought they could hold their own at a bar. Now, after new management took over, and the "Martial arts" aspect of MMA is wildly present, you have icons created that fuel the fastly growing industry. You have fighters from all over the world with different backgrounds-school teachers, accountants, European fighters-anything. And it all comes together about every two weeks now to put on a show that displays the oldest form of competition known to man, in a disciplined way. And as for bragging rights, UFC has far surpassed boxing in popularity, as an audience at a recent title boxing match were bored by the lack of action, and started chanting "UFC...UFC...UFC!"

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