Wednesday, March 4, 2009


In the US today, technology is expanding at a rapid pace. With the internet being the main component of technology in many people's lives, music pirating has become the norm for youth. Programs like Limewire, Kazaa, Ares, etc make it so easy to get your favorite music and movies for free, at the click of a button. It seems harmless. The recent transformation from physical to digital has allowed for programs like iTunes to exist. But I don't want to pay a dollar for every song I want to listen to. Especially when I can download it for free from Limewire. Using Limewire can be either legal or illegal, depending upon what you're downloading or sharing. Using Limewire, or anything else, to download material that is under copyright (music, software, or movies) is illegal. It's a violation of international copyright law, and if you're caught the fine is between $750.00 and $150,000.00 per file illegally downloaded. It's ethically wrong, illegally wrong but financially beneficial. You decide.

I am a sucker for crap on TV

As I flip the channels, looking for something to spark my interest, I come across shows like Flava of Love, The Real World, Maury, Bromance, The Hills, Laguna Beach-pretty much anything on MTV or VH1. However, for some reason I stop flipping and watch. I know these shows have no intelligent value whatsoever, but I continue to watch them. Why? I often ask myself how these shows even made it past a boardroom. Who comes up this stuff? We always talk about "crap on TV." But these shows are lower than crap--they are the bottom of the bottom, the low of the low. If I wanted to watch crappy shows, I'd watch Family Guy or Scrubs. But I find myself watching the worst TV has to offer. I don't know why. If anything, the people featured on these programs are a constant reminder to get an education.

Human Cock Fighting

Ultimate Fighting Championship, otherwise known as UFC, has become a household name. This legitimately fascinates me for several reason. The first, is that a multi billion dollar corporation gains its revenue purely from MMA (mixed martial arts), otherwise known as two guys beating the shit out of each other. Secondly, I'm fascinated because UFC used to be hated by the public. It was seen as an overly brutal disaster that only attracted men who thought they could hold their own at a bar. Now, after new management took over, and the "Martial arts" aspect of MMA is wildly present, you have icons created that fuel the fastly growing industry. You have fighters from all over the world with different backgrounds-school teachers, accountants, European fighters-anything. And it all comes together about every two weeks now to put on a show that displays the oldest form of competition known to man, in a disciplined way. And as for bragging rights, UFC has far surpassed boxing in popularity, as an audience at a recent title boxing match were bored by the lack of action, and started chanting "UFC...UFC...UFC!"

Spring Break 2009

Spring Break is stereotyped by students attempting to improve the human gene pool by engaging in dangerous behavior. This year, I actually had two choices for my spring break activities. A beach house in Port Aransas, TX or a villa in Palm Springs, CA. Either would be filled with a week of raging with friends. I chose to fly to Palm Springs to experience California. I have never been there before so I am stoked to wake up, play a round of golf, and hit the pool in the afternoon. However, it seems that this year, the typical Cancun vacation is being highly frowned upon. The U.S. State Department and universities around the country are warning college students headed for Mexico for some spring-break partying of a surge in drug-related murder and mayhem south of the border.Mexico's drug cartels are waging a bloody fight among themselves for smuggling routes and against government forces, carrying out massacres and dumping beheaded bodies in the streets. It's crazy down south. I'm just glad I will be on the west coast.

Psychics are laughable

In my pseudo science class, we talked about the psychics that claim to have the ability to communicate with the dead. John Edwards claims to be one of these paranormal beings. He is known all over the world for his abilities even though his accuracy is less than impressive. His show Crossing Over, had him speaking with (or "reading") audiences and claiming to make connections with the deceased friends and family of the audience members. When people are grieving over dead loved ones they will do anything and pay any amount of money for a chance to communicate with them. When John Edwards gives them one of his so-called "readings" or says that he is in contact with their dead loved ones, it gives people a false glimmer of hope. Let's face reality: what John Edwards does is nothing more than tossing out a stream of guesses and letting the person fill in the answers. His has no ability to speak with the deceased. He exploits people's vulnerability and cashes in on it.

Stan from South Park explains how John Edwards "communicates."

Here is a video of John Edwards in action. Sickening, really.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Michael Jackson's "Thriller." The dance is famous. It has been incorporated into many hollywood productions. In the SoBe commercial for water, the vertical intertextuality is present; incorporating the famous dance as a marketing ploy for the drink. In my opinion, this commercial is god awful. It's boring and lazy. Also, the "gecko" is already a trademark for Geico--another element that makes the commercial unsuccessful.

$30,000 Millionaire

The $30,000 millionaire. The name derives from their distinctive behavioral pattern of spending more money than they make in an attempt to appear wealthy and desirable. Dallas is full of them. As I venture out to Greenville Ave I am swarmed with douchebaggery. The Dallas Observer warns of them: The creature is predominantly nocturnal. He is occasionally spotted during daylight hours in close proximity to brunch buffets and build-your-own-Bloody-Mary bars. More intelligent than many experts give him credit for, the $30,000 millionaire is highly social and characterized by easily identifiable plumage: wildly spiked, occasionally faux-hawked and usually frosted hair atop the head. About the torso, look for brand-name adornment in the form of shirts stamped with cheeky slogans or printed with a great deal of over-designed crap. There will be man-jewelry. The Dallas Observer ran a story on the background of the 30k millionaire. It is hysterical and I highly encourage anyone who is not familiar with this species to read it.

Southern Millionaire's University $$

It's crazy how much of a "bubble" SMU is in. I transferred to SMU last spring from the University of North Texas. UNT is very different. A LOT less money, A LOT less materialism. Don't get me wrong, I love SMU and I am very glad I transferred here. It just seems that when I go outside of the Highland Park, University Park area, I feel more like a "normal" person. Maybe it is because of the considerable amounts of wealth that surround SMU that I am just not used to. I was on campus the other day and I saw an Aston Martin with a student parking pass. Wow. I hope to someday be able to make a good enough living to afford a nice car, much less, drive a $150,000 car during college. I mean, where do you move up from an Aston Martin? Because of the money that surrounds this campus, I am constantly inspired to do well in life.

I found this definition of SMU on I found it quite humorous.
Where going to class is a formal affair and you can never reware an outfit. Guys sport Lacoste polo’s with their Sevens jeans and girls pop their collars underneath their sorority t-shirts. Where rainbows, northface jackets and uggs are a staple for summer and winter weather. Where getting in the right Frat or Sorority house defines who you are for the next 3 years. Nobody cares what you drive, so long as it’s a BMW or a Range Rover. Tailgating is a sport and watching football is a break between the pre-partying and the after party. No worries, we aren’t sore losers we’ll drink our weight in Alcohol whether we win or lose.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Cocaine in a can

America is undeniably habitual suckers for marketing ploys. The latest, is the booming industry of energy drinks. I am amazed every time I go to grab something from a convenience store, and even vending machine, to see how energy drinks have forced their way into mainstream diet. The idea of an energy drink in itself is amusing, considering the idea is to give you energy. America is the perfect target, considering that health so often comes as an afterthought. The extreme amount of sugar, caffeine, and other "energy enhancers" amount to a short period of heightened alertness and energy. However, for anyone who has ever drank one, it then leads to an inevitable crash. This is unavoidable, given the purpose of the drink-to give energy- and that is attained by caffeine and sugar alone. It has taken over the lazy America's drink industry and become a multi billion dollar facet of the the economy. America is an open valve for money making exploitation of the failure to evaluate consequences and health.

Wasting away again in margaritaville...

Jimmy Buffett is on tour. Jimmy Buffett ladies and gentleman. I went to his show last year and it is not like anything you have ever seen before. It is more than a concert. It is a weekend of mayhem. The parking lot is full of RV's and trailers. People are walking around, not only drinking, but drinking heavily. Many drinking games are played. My personal favorite, "Drinko" (like the Price is Right game "Plinko"). The police are absent. It's as if they just look the other way for the weekend. I wouldn't even call myself a huge fan particularly. I like some of his music, it's pretty good. But the concert is not what you go for. You go for the experience. It is like one giant family of drunken, stoned hippies, just looking for a good time and some cool tunes. I encourage anyone who has been to "Margaritaville" to join in on this momentous occasion. It is something everyone should experience.

Prank war gone too far?

As a bit of a jokester myself, I enjoy watching or hearing funny bits. I was watching VH1's 40 greatest pranks countdown the other day on television and a spot came up that had me speechless. I didn't know whether to laugh or take pity. The prank came from Two friends were having a prank war back and forth when one may have taken a joke a little far.

You be the judge.


While I'm on the subject of athletes that just flat out suck. Tim Tebow's name flashes brightly in my head. He is the epitome of douchebaggery. Maybe it's because he is so hyped up. But lets face it folks, Tebow spends his free time preaching to the incarcerated, curing cancer (I assume), trimming the foreskin of the impovrished, and keeping the planets properly aligned by toting the earth around the sun to keep it in its proper orbit. He is a god. At least that is what ESPN, FOX, NBC, ABC and CBS make him out to be. Maybe I'm being pessimistic, but I'm just waiting for some real dirt to come out to ruin Tebow's squeaky clean image.

Tiger Woods...the worst part of golf

As a golf lover and an avid player, I love to watch professional golf. However, the media around Tiger Woods lately is annoying and repetitive. I'm sure Tiger is a nice guy, but if I have to hear about his hurt knee again I'm going to put a bullet in my head. Athletes get hurt. Done. End of story. I'm sorry but every bad shot he has is not because he has a hurt knee. Sportscasters need to get some new material because they are comparing him to Jesus. And in all honesty, golf was more interesting with Tiger out of the mix. It gave way for others to take the crown--more competition. Tiger is undoubtedly the best player in professional sports...I just cannot stand hearing the broadcasters consistently commenting through a 4 day tournament on Tiger's injury.

No Band Aid, No Fun

The NBA banned Dwayne Wade from wearing his signature band aids in an effort to stop any "flash" or "self promotion." What they really are banning is FUN. Dear commissioner Stern, the jobs of your employees are not professional. Their job is to shoot a ball in a net. Come on. The fans like to see their favorite athlete have a "special" identity. Allen Iverson with his arm sleeve, Rip Hamilton with his face mask, Dwayne Wade with his band aid. Who cares? I'm sick of corporate executives making absurd rules based on their own self conservation. Its the NBA, its supposed to be entertaining. It is supposed to be fun.