Monday, April 27, 2009

People that are annoying

As I live my life, I am constantly annoyed by people. So, in an effort to make these annoyances publicly aware, I decided to compile a list of types of people that are annoying. Here it goes.

Vegetarians that talk about their eating habits and comment on yours.
People who got picked first for sports teams in elementary school.
People who sing along with songs when they don't know the lyrics.
People that use bluetooths.
Potheads that always talk about smoking weed. Come on. We aren't in middle school anymore. Grow up and do coke like an adult.
Morning people.
Dentists who try to have a conversation with you while they are working on your teeth and you can't respond.
People who tell long, elaborate jokes that seem to go on forever, and then mess up the punchline.
People that wear their letterman jacket in college.
People who use foreign words in conversation.
People who quote the entire movie.
People who talk in baby voice.
Relentlessly cheerful people.
Mothers who let their children run around screaming in stores.
Salespeople who latch onto you and follow you around the store, asking if they can help you, until you either give up and buy something, or go nuts and beat them to death with a display rack.

i'm bo yo

Bo Burnham is a self made phenomena. His concept is rather simple. He just uploads videos of him playing his own songs and raps from his bedroom. He has had millions of hits online and continues to become popular. He has been featured in Spin magazine and has his songs are available on iTunes. His lyrics are genius. They are intellectually dirty and funny. If you are looking for a good laugh that will make you think a little bit, watch bo.


The fear of getting rid of stuff.

People who suffer from maladies such as depression or obsessive compulsive disorders often end up buying things, bringing them home and dropping them. Rather than looking for what they own, they simply go out and buy more and do the same thing.....over and over and over again. We call this behavior..... Shop n Drop. It is not clear whether compulsive hoarding is a condition in itself, or simply a symptom of other related conditions. Several studies have reported a correlation between hoarding and the presence and/or severity of obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD). Hoarding behaviour is also related to obsessive–compulsive personality disorder (OCPD). In my opinion, clinically proven disease or not, these people need some serious help.

How to not get your ass kicked by the police

Chris rocks explains in this bit from The Chris Rock Show how to not get your ass kicked by the police. He gives step by step instructions on this. I miss Chris Rock and wish he came out with more good stuff like this rather than play in movies like Head of State-which by the way is awful and should be put on everyone's "do not watch" list.

Get Inside my head

So, for this particular blog, I decided to give you a glimpse of what goes in my head--how my personality works. I am pretty laid back person and really just like to laugh at life--I like to look at this as a positive but my friends tell me I take nothing seriously. I feel that if you're constantly thinking too hard into things and taking a serious approach to life--you'll end up boring and dead inside. I really am an asshole to my friends--but a sarcastic asshole, not a mean asshole (there is a big difference). I try not to judge people, especially on this campus where judgement is passed on everyone but I am no saint. I never bite my tongue and that has caused me to burn a few bridges in my life--but I figure those bridges were never worth crossing to begin with. I live a care free lifestyle and was raised a free thinker. I try to dress inappropriately at formal functions (by inappropriately, I mean pink blazers, plaid pants and top hats and canes--not inappropriate like a banana hammock). I curse like a sailor and enjoy highly inappropriate and offensive rap songs because they make me laugh (it baffles me that these people make money on this but hey, I have to give them props if it's working--see "My Neck, My Back" by Khia for an idea). I am extremely lazy and sleep when I have free time. I used to work out constantly in high school but stopped when I came to college. I just cannot motivate myself. I've been in love once but it ended badly and has made me have a hard time trusting women. I'm not very religious-I am not opposed to the idea but have not been convinced either way. I don't read much--honestly the last book I actually read was Stephen Colbert's book, I Am American and So Can You! I love stand up comedy and could watch hit for hours. I think Michael Vick got the shaft and I think these left wing PETA activists need to spend their time fighting a bigger issue--there are people out there doing far worse things. I am pretty close with my family. I have two younger siblings. OJ didn't do it.

Old people are so cool

So I was thinking about it and really, old people are the only real people alive. See, men are constantly plagued by their sexual drive. We are constantly trying to impress women--with the ultimate goal of sex. Once we grow old and stop having sex, the person in each of us is truly shown. Old people don't have to impress anyone--because that part of their life is over. They can say whatever they want with no repercussion. No one judges the elderly-- we just laugh and move on. My grandparents are truly the coolest people I know and that comes from their experiences and their constant carefree attitude.

Ghost Ride It

So the craze that I just jumped on board with is this idea of ghost riding the whip. Now, for you that don't speak ebonics, that is when you jump out of the car while it is in drive and dance while the car is moving. The passengers can dance next to the car or get on the hood or the top of the car. Now obviously this is dangerous so proceed with caution. Also, there is only one acceptable song to ghost ride your whip to, and that is Mistah Fab's "Ghost Ride It." My friends and I have been practicing and have recently ghost rided our car down the boulevard. For instructions on how to ghost ride your whip with the most success, make sure to watch and listen carefully to Mistah Fab's music video for ghost riding.

Procrastination is going to kill me

So, duh, it's the end of the semester. Woohoo! Not. I have so much work to do it is unbelievable. I don't understand why teachers choose to have everything due in a one week time frame on the last week of school. Now, yes, I have had the syllabus for the entire semester. And yes, I technically could have been working on my two 10+ papers since March. But let's be real people. That is is not going to happen. And now I have projects, papers, tests (that's another one I do not understand. Why are we giving tests a week before finals? Did we not learn how to lesson plan?) and finals to be studying for. The next couple of weeks are going to be hell and I most likely will not leave the library but, hey, that's what college is all about, isn't it? I would rather be doing this than going to a 9-5 job that I hate. So my procrastination combined with the massive amounts of studying will result in my social death. But right now, I don't think I would want it any other way. I love college. You know that drawing that Dr. Griffin showed us in class for his book? The one that said "Monday- Get Assignment and then Friday-right before 5 pull something out of my ass." That's how I feel the semester has gone and right now it is ass pulling time.

Believe In Your Dreams

Ok. Random video post time. I came across this video while surfing youtube. At first glance, you might think this is a stupid, pathetic attempt for a bit, but over time, I found it to be absolutely hilarious. Watch it in its entirety though because the ending is hilarious. Andy Samberg and the "The Lonely Island" (On a Boat, Jizz in My Pants) are the only thing, in my opinion, that is keeping Saturday Night Live decent. I wish SNL would go back in time when it was in its prime with Adam Sandler, Chris Farley, Mike Myers and Chris Rock.

Let a Stranger Drive You Home

I was watching television the other day and I came across this commercial. Heineken's "Let a Stranger Drive You Home" is absolutely hilarious to me and is relatable. Being a college student that flocks to Greenville Ave. Thursday, Friday and Saturday's, a cab is usually needed. And after a few drinks, a scene much like the one in this commercial, usually erupts. I love the headline too, I think it depicts the negatively connotated word "stranger" and turns it in to a fun loving character. Plus Biz Markie's "Just a Friend" is just awesome in itself.

Chris Brown should get his ass kicked

So everyone knows that Chris Brown beat his girlfriend, Rhianna. It has been all over the news channels and magazines but some people were so enraged they wrote a song about it. Smoke Jumpers' new song "My Flow So Tight (Anti-Breezy)" bashes Chris Brown. I wonder how long it will be before Chris sues them for slander.

My flow so tight and the beats so sick
Chris Brown should get his ass kicked

Boy hits girl, boy should be taken down
No matter who's around
The more I search yo the more I found
That there's a curse to this last name Brown
Dude can dance, hey yo dude gets loose
Dude should come clean and tell the truth
All the money in the world but it's no excuse
Career suicide yo here's the noose

College Boy

The critique of my last blog was that it was too "college boy." What does that even mean? I am not going to blame anybody in particular for this critique (*cough cough* Dr. Griffin) but I am just confused. I do understand that it is my fault for not going to Dr. Griffin for an explanation but I am just venting. Contrary to the perceived point in my life, I am a college boy. So wouldn't I write about college boy things? My life experiences are of a college boy, my mind thinks like a college boy. How can I be critiqued for the stage of life that I am currently in--the things that I know? I am exposed to the college boy things and that is what I enjoy writing about. I like sports, fraternity life, beer bongs, fighting, body odor, sex, hunting, dirt, duct tape, action films, Budweiser commercials--you know, manly, college boy things. This is my attempt to be funny and sarcastic. Here is a commercial that I thought was a good wrap up of the whole manly, college boy topic.

What's Good For You?

Good. Good is the freedom in the media that surrounds us. It ‘s the funk in a song. It’s the rhythm in a beat. Good is the spontaneity in every day life -the freedom to express your feelings and emotions. Good is the blowing of the wind in your face while you drive down the highway. Good is the feeling you get just before you fall in love and the passion after. Good is the adrenaline that fuels your body. It is the soul, the drive and the pulse inside you. Good is being alive. Good is life and life is good.

One Wild Weekend

This past weekend my fraternity went down to San Antonio for our Formal Away Weekend. We stayed at the Wyndham St. Anthony in downtown San Antonio. It was a wild adventure in the city. With Texas Fiesta going on during the weekend, the city was jam packed and there was a constant party in the streets. The weekend was topped off with our formal Saturday night. We had it at the Towers of the Americas in Downtown, 700 feet above the city. It was a memorable party and was definitely a great way to end the semester. On another note, my date made me a cooler for the weekend. Every time we have a formal, the girls always make coolers. They are painted and then filled with food, alcohol and gifts. I just have never understood this tradition. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I think they are awesome, but where did this tradition come from? It just seems so random. If you can tell me, please let me know.

My designs

Check out some of my t-shirt designs from my fraternity. One is a replica of the brand Guy Harvey and the other is a Rolex replica. I design most of our t-shirts and try to make them as “classy” as possible. I’m in the middle of designing Tommy Bahama and Jimmy Buffet look a like’s.

Friday, April 24, 2009

So you wanna be fratty?

SMU. A campus run by the greek system. With 9 fraternities and 8 sororites, greek life is essential to the undergraduate life. But unlike many groups, fraternities and sororities have a certain dress code they have to abide by. For freshman entering college, many do know know what dress is acceptable to wear. However, there is a solution. This website is a step by step guide to the fraternity wardrobe. It shows the fraternity newcomer the do's and don'ts of the fraternity attire. The website also provides definitions of the frat lingo that is spoken.

Fratitude - Noun: the state of mind at which one embraces those things that are truly fratty and rejects those things which exemplify douchebaggery
Fratfit - Noun: An extremely fratty complete outfit.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


What do guys think about girls? Lets start out with the obvious. Girls are different from guys. Apart from the obvious anatomy it seems as though they are not on the same wavelength as we are. There is a reason why people say we are from different planets. If you ask ten different guys you are going to get ten different answers about their views on women, and previous experiences with girlfriends, mothers, sisters, and purely friends who are girls. The plain and simple truth is that they are different and we will never really understand what they are thinking. What I can recall is what goes inside a guy's head when it comes to women. Here is a list of things that guys think women should know.

PMS is not an excuse.
You are not always right.
Bitchy is unattractive.
We love boobs.
We are nervous around you.
At least pretend you like sports.
Guy time is guy time.
If we say you're not fat, you're not fat.
Say what's on your mind. We don't like playing the guessing game.
We don't care about your ex boyfriend.
You are beautiful or we wouldn't be trying.
We don't care which outfit you wear, we want to see you naked anyway.
We love spending time with you, just as long as it doesn't consist of shopping.
We don't want to be "just friends."
Be spontaneous.
We are perverts, but we can't help it.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Woot Woot! Check it out. Everyday there is a new item for sale at a considerably low rate. They sell new and used items. However, there is only one featured product each day- and when they run out, you are SOL. Woot runs a 2 for Tuesday which offers 2 of the same item for the price of one. Woot is cleverly designed and written. The description of the item is often sarcastic and funny. I find myself always checking woot just because it takes literally 5 seconds. Also, recently they added a shirt section and a wine section that offers new items for each. So if you are ever bored, surfing the web, check out

College paraphernalia from other schools?

Why do people wear shirts, hats, sweatshirts, etc. from other schools which they do not attend? I constantly see students on campus repping Vanderbilt, USC and UT. It blows my mind. Reality check- You go to SMU. It is sad that our campus cannot even support its own school. No wonder only about 20 people attend the sports games. Come on SMU, have a little more pride.

Sunday, April 12, 2009


So I just signed my first apartment lease. For a first time apartment, I sure got a sweet setup. I signed with my two good friends Hugh and Kyle at the Mosaic downtown. We are on the 11th story of the 34 story high rise. It has a very urban theme with concrete floors, modern art on the walls and techno music playing throughout the building. As my realtor put it, "this is the swankest and dankest apartment complex in Dallas--this is where you pop your collar and wear your sunglasses at night." I love the building and our loft is amazing. However, I am a little skeptical being in guido central. The people living there look to be right out of the "My New Haircut" video. I wouldn't be surprised if they filmed porn at this place. However, I am young and I am excited to be in the middle of the city in a high rise loft because in a couple of years I will enter the real world and the high rise-city lifestyle will no longer exist for me--especially when I'm paying back a six figure loan.