Wednesday, December 16, 2009

22Squared Atlanta

The pay off for me on this one is watching the guy do a round off over the bar. I like seeing smaller agencies do work for big, national clients like BWW. It's not about selling food or how great the food is, it's about the atmosphere and the good time you'll have when you go. I like that it is more than just screen shots of food (hint hint chilis)

Mother New York

This Dell ad is very different from most PC ads. Now that apple has taken over the young, colorful market, PC is trying make a comeback to appeal to those audiences. It's very colorful in nature, much like the apple spots running nowadays.

Ground Zero New York

This might be the first positive anti-smoking ad. Focusing not on he horrors (Crispin and Arnold) but more so on what our world would be like without it.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Strawberry Frog New York

Kinda cheesy. But shot very cool. And anything that involves James Bond is pretty cool. I think this theme goes hand in hand with the "most interesting man in the world" campaign that Euro RSCG is doing. Just very cool and suave.

socially responsible

These ads always scare me a little bit. I think they do a good job walking the line between over the top and just right. They make me never want to smoke so I guess they are doing what they are intended to do. I also think that that they fact that there is different versions- very raw and sarcastic and funny. They appeal to all audiences.

Crispin Porter & Bogusky, Arnold, Miami and Boston

This ad is one of about 5 that promote awareness of child abuse. They aren't as raw as the puppet one shown in class but still leave you in shock. It gives you facts that you didn't know correlated with child abuse.

Leo Burnett, Sydney

I was watching television the other day and I came across this commercial. Heineken's "Let a Stranger Drive You Home" is absolutely hilarious to me and is relatable. Being a college student that flocks to Greenville Ave. Thursday, Friday and Saturday's, a cab is usually needed. And after a few drinks, a scene much like the one in this commercial, usually erupts. I love the headline too, I think it depicts the negatively connotated word "stranger" and turns it in to a fun loving character. Plus Biz Markie's "Just a Friend" is just awesome in itself.

Weiden + Kennedy, Portland

Monday, December 14, 2009

Droga5 New York

Such a cool concept. Virally this has done phenomenal. It does give me a headache and kind of makes me want to barf after about 30 seconds. I think it is a bit too long but gets the point across within in the first 15 seconds. I love ads that are dont in a nontraditional way. Reminds me in a way of the DC spot by 72 and Sunny. Very cheap to produce and a great effect virally.

72 and Sunny LA

I love ads that are shot on a real camera. This was an actual commercial but did very well virally with millions of hits on youtube. I can't seem to tell if it is real or not- I'm guessing no but still very cool and very cheap to make!

Cramer Krasselt Chicago

Another reoccurring them; the ad involving a host and a celebrity. This was really the best I could find on Cramer Krasselt's website although I do like the idea. I just think the jokes fall flat. The only good thing is the host's voice. It's pretty calming.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Doner Detroit

This ad is funny but reminds me of way to money other commercials. The awkward moment yeah yeah yeah. See "need a moment, eat twix" or "wanna get away, fly southwest" I'm not saying that this ad is horrible, I just think the concept is redundant.

Saturday, December 12, 2009


Holy crap that took a long time. As I sit back and look at all of my final executed work for concepting, I think to myself "how did that take days and days to complete?" Although it was a bitch to be here for 12+ hours a day, I did have a lot of fun. I felt that our entire class bonded. Late night food runs, dance breaks, scratch off, etc.- we found ways to keep ourselves entertained (because coloring for 10 hours gets a little old). However, I am proud of my work and I am curious to see everyone's final vision. It was a long haul and I am excited to have it finished. Now time for my 21st bday and xmas-oh yeah.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Richard's Group Dallas

When I think of underwear ads, I think of Mark Wahlberg in a pair of Calvin Klein's- not 4 guys dressed up as fruits singing a love ballad. But the Richard's Group has defied all odds with this spot. It is very atypical and the entire concept is hilarious.

Bartle Bogle Hegarty New York

Unlike the Lowe ad for Axe, this one goes back to its original roots- that Axe makes you a sex symbol. Yes it objectifies women in a way, but it isn't supposed to be serious. It's so over the top I hope women wouldn't get offended.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Large Scale/ People in Masses Ads

AMV/ BBDO London

On the theme of large scale, people in masses- this Guiness ad demonstrates that with this beer, all people will gather together in happiness.

id like to buy the world a coke

DraftFCB New York

Again we are shown a large mass of people used to sell a product. This is the constant theme throughout all Verizon ads.

Weiden + Kennedy Portland

We see destruction and large scale performance throughout the entire city. This high production value spot adds to the massiveness of the spot.

McCann Erickson New York

This has got to be one of the first ads where coming together in masses or people interacting on a large scale is achieved. It has paved the way for the other ads on this post to blossom. This has now become a very prevalent way of showing advertising in today's market.


BBH New York

This is an odd "people in the masses" ad. You think the ad is a typical skincare ad until they close up on the skin and really it is masses of people. Goes with the theme of large masses.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Dentsu Santa Monica

Good god I hope Dentsu's advertising is better in Japan. This spot is what our industry strives not to be. Boring boring boring. I haven't even seen an agency's website have any work like this to view. I just hope my work does not come to this. ughhh

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Weiden + Kennedy Portland

The commercials are awesome. They get me so pumped. I love how they incorporate major athletes with regular people. They make it to where it is not about the superstar, it is about the game. That it takes the same speed, quickness, agility at all levels. Nike always seems to one up each of their ads.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Kirshenbaum Bond New York

Very weird spots coming out of Kirshenbaum Bond. This particular spot for Zwack Hungarian Liqueur is awfully odd but is kind of cool. It is not your typical liquor spot (see the bacardi spot I posted earlier). It has absolutely nothing about the liqueur. It kind of talks about the lifestyle although that particular lifestyle doesn't seem very appealing. Whatever it is, it is interesting to watch.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Cliff Freeman & Partners New York

Cliff Freeman has recently closed its doors. It's weirdness and quirkiness made it great. Like the Cobra spots and some other popular spots, this commercial has a "host" type character explaining what is going on. I think this type of advertising can be funny but seems a little old at this point.