Friday, October 30, 2009

180 LA

This particular ad is really a miniseries on Its really not promoting Adidas in any way, just the charitable ways of Gilbert Arenas and Adidas just happens to be there along the way. It's a really cool video to watch and shows that these major celebrities/athletes really do care and want to give back.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Goodby Silverstein San Francisco

This particular NBA ad is very simple, yet very compelling. I love the idea of the spilt screen with two players on different teams, enemies on the court, sharing the same goal and dream. Watching this ad, you root for both success but realize only one will achieve it. It makes me want to tune into the playoffs to see who it will be.

Monday, October 19, 2009

TBWA New York

This Pedigree ad really gets to any dog lover. You really feel sympathy and want to jump up and go to the nearest animal shelter and adopt all of the dogs. It's different from other dog food ads because it is promoting a cause and not how much your dog will love it, make him bigger, stronger etc. Plus David Duchovny's voice is sexy.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

DDB Chicago

I find these ads hilarious. There is about 5 total and the concept is brilliant. Take a daredevil and put him in horrible situations for guys. It appeals to the male audience (obviously the target market) and is very relatable to the average guy.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

BBDO New York

I love this ad because it takes a boring situation (making a phone call) and with the help and direction from Martin Scorsese, makes it interesting and funny. Obviously Scorsese makes the ad, but the message at the end is clear, "don't interrupt our movies because we don't interrupt your daily routine"

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Human Puppet

Being a college student (and in a fraternity), drinking is very prevalent. People drink and they drink heavily. This ad in particular stuck out in my mind because I've seen this before in real life (in a lot more funny way). This ad was able to take me away from the funny side of the prank and cut straight to the realism. Pretty intense.

Ogilvy & Mather, NYC, NY


It is pretty obvious that this particular anit-AIDS ad did not run in the US. However I think it takes sex to a new fantasy world that doesn't censor itself at all. I think that this campaign says that "yeah we know what you're doing, how you're doing it, just be safe about it."

TBWA, Paris, France

People for Pugent Sound

When I first saw this ad I thought it was kind of trippy and the people that made it must have been on some type of drug in order to come up with it. However, it does have a catchy jingle and gets the message across that we need to be more wary of destroying Pugent Sound. Plus, a lot of the stuff that Wexley does (that I have seen) is kind of off beat and weird so this ad goes right with that personality.

Wexley School For Girls, Seattle, WA

A Dove Evolution

This ad is always talked about for being socially responsible while still promoting a product. The spot has won many awards but the buzz it has created is what really makes this ad stand out. This ad set a standard (or pulled away the standard) of beauty in America and how we perceive what beautiful is. It is an eye opener for those of us that don't work in the beauty industry to see how it really works. Dove's campaign is very memorable and will hopefully provoke a stir in they we way women are perceived.

Ogilvy & Mather, Toronto

It's Okay to Fail

For any athlete, there are ups and downs and always bumps in the road. Nike really captures this and makes it okay to fail in order to succeed--that life doesn't come easy and sometime you won't do as expected. Using MJ as the spokesperson makes it relevant because usually all of his accolades are discussed-- we never hear about his failures. It allows the audience to see that even the world's best athletes come up short sometimes.

Wieden+Kennedy, Portland, OR

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Coke and Grand Theft Auto?

From its beginning days advertising the cola product, Coke has been at the forefront of responsible advertising. They are consistently running advertisements that promote unity and happiness. They are never questioned for their provocative or inappropriate campaigns. They strive to be great and promote a sense of wholesomeness. This particular example is playing off the famous Grand Theft Auto Game and turning it into a "feel good" statement.

Weiden+Kennedy, Portland, OR