Friday, November 27, 2009

VitroRobertson San Diego

Golf is a very niche sport in the US but if you know anything about golf then you can relate to this spot. It's heavily endorsed by the professional athletes but that's what golf is all about anyways-endorsements. If the Cobra driver can help me clear the water, then that is something I am interested in.

Crispin Porter + Bogusky Boulder

Crispin has done some great stuff with Burger King (whopper freakout, whopper virgins, etc.) but the Burger King "King' has got to be my favorite. It's BK's creepier but funnier version of Ronald McDonald. A lot of it is just weird and odd and this particular spot highlights the the partnership with the NFL and is quirky just like the typical "wake up with the King" spots. I hope that they continue to use the "King" because it never gets old.

Mckinney Raleigh Durham

These Travelocity Gnome commercials are just so dumb but they have really made the product into a brand name. The gnome is very recognizable and is immediately associated with Travelocity. So even if I dislike the particular ads, I do have to give it to them for developing an icon for Travelocity. And is that Al Bundy from Married With Children?

Euro RSCG New York

We've all heard them. "When Chuck Norris does pushups, he doesn't lift himself up, he pushes the world down." The fad began a few years ago and quickly became a hit. However recent Dos Equis commercials seemed to have ripped off this exaggerated style of facts. The most interesting man in the world--this suave, older, charasmatic gentelman is a lover, not a fighter, but hes also a fighter, so dont get any ideas. The Dos Equis "Most interesting man in the world" campaign defines what it is to be cool. Although as much as I love these commercials, it seems like they are a spin off of the Chuck Norris phenomena. It is the same, unbelievable, over the top claims. I can either classify Dos Equis as lazy--for not coming up with an original idea--or genious--for taking something so popular and turning it into a campaign. Take your pick. I do however, like that they are not like your average beer commercial- they are just so cool- I don't even know how to explain it.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Team One LA

Should we two-way Alicia? And I'm like hells yeahhh. I remember seeing this ad a few years back and still it is hilarious. Most phone companies promote their network range and minutes per month, etc--however, I like Boost Mobile's approach of talking about the experience rather than all the features-plus doing it through old people is hysterical.

Kaplan Thaler New York

First of all- a fat cupid?- hilarious. Second, I like this ad because it was done virally and it's about herbal essence but doesn't mention it once in the clip. I think that people are more inclined to visit the website when they don't know its for a product- it circulates more viewers and followers. So, score on this one Kaplan Thaler.

Fallon Minneapolis

Although I think the white guy doing the rap or gangster thing is really not that funny anymore (Malibu's Most Wanted killed it)- I do find the concept of staying at a Holiday Inn Express makes you able to do things you that are out of the ordinary- like beating a rapper in a rap battle very funny. It is very unexpected for this brand but when friends are showing me this ad on youtube because they think its pretty funny- then I think they are getting the exposure that they want.

Arnold Boston

I wonder why they did this in Dallas first of all. Maybe because everything is bigger in Texas? It is a TV spot but is very non traditional and you could even argue interactive with the public. It says that Carnival Cruises are bigger and better than the competition and is very cool because it very out of the ordinary.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Campbell Mithum Minneapolis

Tax season sucks. H&R Block is such a boring concept for such a boring time. However, Campbell Mithum has made some funny spots that really capture the stress of tax season. Again, notice the office theme.

Leo Burnett Chicago

Most cereal ads are about how good it tastes and are really "hokey." This particular ad stands out in my mind because how different it is when I think of Kellogg advertising. Usually, in my experience, healthy cereals are more targeted towards women where this does just the opposite-the man's man.

Saatchi & Saatchi New York

I love that Miller High Life is advertising to what it is- blue collar beer. However, with these ads, they make me not want to be in the skybox-because that's not real living- that's not what the game is about. This ad really captures the essence of what true living, enjoying life is about.

TAG San Francisco

First off. I want to know how many takes this took without mess ups. Second. This ad has nothing to do with xbox besides the tag so I find that kind of weird. It's a cool concept and fun to watch but to me it is counterintuitive. This ad is kind of promoting outdoor activities when xbox is primarily an indoor, lazy thing.

Mullen Boston

Another PSA yes, but this is about something we don't usually think about. It's similar to the medicine cabinet ad I posted earlier. We usually disregard a having just a few drinks before we drive. This ad shines light on this topic and shows that it's not ok to drink and drive- no matter the amount.

Deutsch LA

I am kind of sick of seeing commercials in an office setting- it is getting kind of old- ESPN, Burger King, etc. This one is pretty funny- the main actor makes the ad. Its also sad that Ed Begley Jr. is doing the supporting role on Direct TV spots now

Hill Holiday Boston

OK I know these ads are kinda cheesy but for some reason I like the idea of just a little thing can become such a huge impact. It reminds me of the pay it forward mantra. It is an insurance commercial-boring concept- and the aesthetics of the ad really make it enjoyable to watch.

Carmichael Lynch Minneapolis

These sasquatch ads are so dumb but keep me wanting to see more. I have even gone to their viral campaign online at to see what they are doing on there. I love that they are advertising a lifestyle as opposed to how it tastes- it makes it a lot more interesting and not as foreseen as other food ads do.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

DraftFCB New York

This ad is very different from the downer anti-drug/marijuana ads that I usually see. I like the satire and realism shown in them. When people think of drugs and where they come from, usually their parents (medicine cabinet) is the last place to think- but these ads bring light to this issue.

Lowe New York

This ad is so gross it's funny. I mean, if Axe Dry can fix this guy, it can probably help with my sweat. Usually when ads are this disgusting, it usually just grosses me out but because this is so well done and so dramatized, it makes for a hilarious spot and keeps me wondering why those guys are eating while his nasty sweat is spraying all over? haha

Friday, November 20, 2009

TM Advertising Dallas

Very cool stuff coming out of Dallas and by the agency from which our school is named after. This was one of the big ads they had during the Superbowl last year. This particular spot is very similar to the Southwest "wanna get away" spots- guy in an awkward situation trying to get out. But I still find this ad very funny

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The Matin Agency Richmond

These ads have grown to be a huge hit over the last year. It's a very simple concept and cost very little to make. I found it very cool that Andy Azula passed up Hollywood offers to remain the creative director at The Martin Agency- however Glenn just informed us that UPS just dropped The Martin Agency as a client. Crazy after all the good work. You do know you've done a good job though when SNL is parodying you- the man in a lady wig.

McCann Erickson New York

The term "Army Strong" was thought of after 20 McCann Erickson employees went through boot camp at the army's training facility in South Carolina. The realized that the toughness was on a different level. The ads show that not everyone has what it takes to be in the Army, that it takes a special someone- but those special someones have helped shape our country into what it is today.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Grey New York

This truly gives a new meaning to the sport of football-turning a violent and physical game into an art. Showing in just one simple clip, the true talent and gift that the players have. That there is more to football than just hard hits and smack talk. That it takes balance and precision-much like the title of the ad "Ballet"

Saturday, November 14, 2009

JWT Sydney

The only other car rental ads I can even think about seeing are Enterprise "We'll Pick You Up" and good god if those don't make you want to vomit, I don't know what will. This particular Thrifty ad gives a new meaning car rental commercials and a new idea on why to rent cars.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Young and Rubicam New York

I feel like this commercial is pretty Y&R-esque. Kinda simple, not that appealing. Walking through different generations blah, blah, blah- kinda reminds me of some of the Pepsi stuff out there. However, the song is awesome and makes the ad. Daylight by Matt and Kim if you were wondering.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Ogilvy & Mather New York

This is a classic case of taking a very simple and boring product and transforming the brand image to the "man's car oil" It reminds me of the Old Spice commercials that turns a old man product into something that is portrayed as cooler and for the man that wants to think with his dipstick.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Martin Williams Minneapolis

Alice Cooper in a Staples ad? This seems kind of counter of what you would expect. Throw a kid in the mix and I am lost. Staples is a cubical, office store. Not a kid, Alice Cooper store. However, this ad shows Staples (a somewhat boring and dry company) in a funny and new light- that they sell more than just boring office supplies.

Friday, November 6, 2009

LatinWorks Austin

I like this ad because of the unfamiliarity of the situation. Usually these characters are small and petite and now you see them as obese and lazy. The idea is becoming a reoccurring theme in childhood PSA's lately (the NFL's play 60 challenge)-encouraging children to get up and be active.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Dieste Harmel & Partners Dallas

This ad reminds me of the Southwest "wanna get away" ads. The wrong place at the wrong time- this theme is becoming very popular throughout the ad industry. However, I do like this one a lot better than the "pinesol lady" from the english ads.

GSD&M Idea City Austin

When you can get away with not mentioning the product until the last five seconds and people still get it, you did a pretty good job. I love the fact that they aren't talking about Southwest Airlines but in a way they are. Usually airline commercials are boring and sappy but Southwest does a good job keeping their image as the fun, quirky airline with this ad.